St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church

2525 E 11th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46201

Goulding & Wood (Renovation 2013)
Wangerin Organ Co. (Opus 579,1929)
10 ranks. 2 manual.

After nearly a century of service, the mechanics of St. Peter?s 1929 Wangerin organ reached the end of their reliable life. When the console and its original combination action became too unpredictable, the church wisely invested in new windchests and console mechanics. New keyboards and a restored pedalboard were fit into the existing console shell, and the organ now runs beautifully from a new switching system and combination action from Solid State Organ Systems. The chamber was cleaned, painted, and new light fixtures brightly illuminate what was once a dark room lit by only a single incandescent bulb.

The only tonal modification is the addition of a new capped Oboe, replacing the derived synthetic Oboe in the original specification. The organ is now poised to serve the church well into its second century.


8′ Open Diapason
8′ Concert Flute
8′ Bourdon (Sw)
4′ Principal

4′?????? Spitz Flute
4′?????? Open Flute (ext. Concert Flute)
2′?????? Octave (ext. Principal)
8′?????? Tuba

8′?????? Oboe (Sw)
Great to Great 16?Unison Off?4
Swell to Great 16?8?4


8′?????? Stopped Diapason (ext. Bourdon)
8??????? Salicional
8′?????? Voix Celeste
4′?????? Principal (Gt)

4′?????? Spitz Flute
4′?????? Flute D?Amour (ext. Bourdon)
2??’ ??Nazard (from Spitz Flute)
2′?????? Flautino (ext. Bourdon)
8′?????? Tuba

8′?????? Oboe
8′?????? Vox humana
Swell to Swell 16?Unison Off?4


16????? Open Diapason
16′???? Bourdon
8′?????? Principal (ext. Open Diapason)
8′?????? Flauto Dolce (ext. Bourdon)

4′?????? Choral Bass (ext. Open Diapason)
4′?????? Flute (ext. Concert Flute)
8′?????? Tuba

4??????? Schalmei (ext. Oboe)
Great to Pedal 8?4
Swell to Great 8?4