First Presbyterian Church

200 Church Street
Neenah, WI 54956 US

Goulding & Wood (Renovation 2005)
59 ranks. 3 manuals.
Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co. (Opus 913,1934/55)
44 ranks. 3 manuals.

The original 1934 Aeolian-Skinner organ at First Presbyterian Church was modified by the same firm in 1955 when the church moved to a new building. The original console was modified and some of the stops changed to add brilliance and transparency.

By 1989, mechanical failures were more and more frequent and the combination action was unreliable. After careful consideration, the church decided to undertake a wise renovation of the organ.

The console has new stop jambs, draw knobs, and the latest Solid State combination action and switching system. Some Pitman chests were re-leathered and reconditioned, while others required replacement. All the pipework was cleaned and regulated and new casework and facade built to match the room?s design.


16′ Montre (new)
8′ Principal (new)
8′ Montre (new)
8′ Bourdon (new)
8′ Gemshorn
8′ Harmonic Flute

4′ Octave (new)
4′ Spire Flute (new)
2′ Twelfth (new)
2′ Fifteenth (new)
1′ Seventeenth (new)
1′ Fourniture IV (new)

8′ Trumpet (new)
8′ Trompette (Ch)
4′ Clairon (Ch)
Great to Great 16′ Unison Off 4


16i Spitzflute
8′ Geigen Principal
8′ Salicional
8′ Voix Celeste (low c)
8′ Spitzflute (ext.)
8′ Flute celeste II
8′ Gedeckt

4′ Octave Geigen
4′ Flute
2′ Octave (new)
1′ Quint (new)
2′ Mixture IV
1′ Cymbale III (new)
16′ Fagott

8′ Cornopean
8′ Oboe
8′ Vox humana
4′ Clarion
Swell to Swell 16′ Union Off 4


16? Quintaten
8? Viola
8? Concert Flute
8? Rohrfl?te
8? Kleine Erz?hler
8? Erz?hler Celeste
4? Fugara

4? Koppelfl?te
2 ?? Nasard
2? Blockfl?te
1 ?? Tierce
1? Siffl?te
8? Clarinet
8? Trompette

4? Clairon (ext.)
Choir to Choir 16?UO?4


32? Contra Bourdon (digital ext.)
32? Contra Diapason (digital ext.)
16? Diapason
16? Bourdon
16? Montre (Gt)
16? Spitzfl?te (Sw)
16? Quintaten (Choir)
8? Octave

8? Flute (ext. Bourdon)
8? Montre (Gt)
8? Spitzfl?te (Sw)
4? Choral Bass
4? Blockfl?te
2? Mixture III
32? Contra Bombarde (digital ext.)

16? Bombarde (ext. Choir Trompette)
16? Fagott (Sw)
8? Trompette (Ch)
8? Fagott (Sw)
4? Clairon (Ch)
Pedal Unison Off


Swell to Great 16?8?4
Choir to Great 16?8?4
Great to Choir 8

Choir to Swell 8
Swell to Choir 16?8?4
Great to Pedal 8

Swell to Pedal 8?4
Choir to Pedal 8?4