Opus 54
2015 West End Ave.
Nashville, TN 37203
3 manuals - 40 ranks - 4 divisions (2023)
16´ Violone
8´ Principal
8´ Violone (ext. of 16´)
8´ Bourdon
8´ Harmonic Flute (Solo)
4´ Octave
4´ Open Flute
2 ⅔´ Twelfth
2´ Fifteenth
1 ⅗´ Seventeenth
1 ⅓´ Fourniture IV
8´ Tromba
8´ Tuba (Solo)
Great 16-Unison Off-4
Swell to Great 16-8-4
Solo to Great 16-8-4
Sanctuary to Great 8-4
First Cymbelstern
16´ Chimney Flute
8´ Principal
8´ Chimney Flute (ext. of 16´)
8´ Viole de Gambe
8´ Voix céleste
4´ Octave
4´ Koppelflute
2 ⅔´ Nazard
2´ Super Octave
2´ Blockflute
1 ⅗´ Tierce
2´ Plein Jeu III-IV
16´ Bassoon-Oboe
8´ Trumpet
8´ Oboe (ext. of 16´)
4´ Clarion
8´ Tuba (Solo)
Swell 16-Unison Off-4
Solo to Swell 16-8-4
Sanctuary to Swell 8-4
8´ Diapason
8´ Harmonic Flute
8´ Violone (Great)
8´ Spire Flute
8´ Flute Celeste
8´ Clarinet
8´ Oboe (Swell)
8´ Tuba
Solo 16-Unison Off-4
Sanctuary to Solo 8-4
Second Cymbelstern
32´ Resultant
16´ Subbass
16´ Violone (Great)
16´ Chimney Flute (Swell)
8´ Octave
8´ Stopped Flute (ext. Subbass)
8´ Violone (Great)
8´ Chimney Flute (Swell)
4´ Choral Bass
4´ Harmonic Flute (Solo)
16´ Posaune
16´ Bassoon (Swell)
8´ Posaune (ext. of 16´)
8´ Bassoon (Swell)
4´ Posaune (ext. of 16´)
4´ Bassoon (Swell)
8´ Tuba (Solo)
Great to Pedal 8-4
Swell to Pedal 8-4
Solo to Pedal 8-4
Sanctuary to Pedal 8
Swell to Great
Solo to Great
Sanctuary to Great
Solo to Swell
Sanctuary to Swell
Sanctuary to Solo
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Solo to Pedal
Sanctuary to Pedal
Full Organ
First Cymbelstern
Second Cymbelstern
999 Memory Levels
12 General Thumb Pistons
duplicated by toe studs
8 Divisional Thumb Pistons
– Great, Swell
4 Divisional Thumb Pistons
– Solo, Sanctuary
4 Divisional Toe Pistons – Pedal
Next and Previous
Combination Pistons
Memory Level Up and
Down Pistons
Set Piston
General Cancel/Go to Memory
Level Piston
One Standard and
Three Programmable
Crescendo settings
Revised PL 04/23